
I thought of rewriting the previous because it's too brief :D People who are curious about how we met might be a little disappointed with the short paragraph I wrote. So here goes the longer version...

Mark and I met in FEU in 2002. Both of us took Mass Comm and we were block mates in summer class. We hung out with different sets of friends at first but I got to know him later on when our professor asked us to group by friends and come up a with a play production to be staged for our final exam. We brainstormed about what script to use. We were a big group, almost twenty people, I think.  One meeting day, we were on our way to one of our group mate's house and that's when I noticed him. He was laughing and being funny the whole trip and I thought he was cute. :D That thought ended there. We rehearsed almost everyday and the characters that we portrayed were siblings so we had some lines together and we would rehearse by ourselves sometimes. There was never a dull moment with Mark because he talks animatedly and he is funny.

Soon after, we were sharing stories and life updates when we waited for classes or even after classes sometimes. Other times, we hung out with our big group of friends. It's a cliche but it feels like we're old friends when the truth is we just met a few months before. I found a best friend in him. I also was surprised with myself because I'm not very friendly with guys when I was starting out in college. Most of the guys in my first year class thought I was a snob. Anyway, the days, weeks and months passed and then the sem break finally started. Mark usually forwarded quotes to me most of the time but then one day, he texted and asked how I was. It was a long exchange of texts. I already forgot the details but near the end of the text conversation, he admitted he liked me. :D A part of me didn't believe him because it was just a text message  and another part of me was happy that he said that. The break ended and we went back to classes. Mark and I still hung out but I didn't know what to expect. Then he started giving me extra attention and  then he courted me. Weeks later, we started history. :D

Not much of a grand story but as I always say, I wouldn't want it any other way. Ooops, I didn't mean for it to rhyme. :D